Southern Baptist Convention
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Pastor Blake Dodd, Antioch Baptist Church, Lumberton, NC
No preacher has impacted my life and ministry more than Dr. Ron Lynch. His faithful exposition and illumination of the Christ Life has changed my understanding of walking with Jesus permanently. Not only has he helped me, but I have seen him help many other believers in my eight years of having him preach. Every church would be blessed by having him in the pulpit.

Pastor Eddie Powers, Sandy Ridge Baptist Church, Monroe, NC
Dr. Ron Lynch is a tremendous blessing to our church family and to me. A true expositor of God's Word and very needed in every church of America. God's hand is on this man as he preaches the Christ Life in the believer.

Pastor Don Pegg - Kinnett Memorial Baptist Church
Dr. Ron Lynch is a Pastor to Pastors. The Life out of Death message powerfully clarifies, liberates, and accentuates the Indwelling Life of the risen Christ in the soul of man. Timeless truths! No man has influenced me more through his teaching and ministry than Dr. Ron Lynch.

Dr. Brad Marona - Solid Rock Community Church, Sanford, NC.
Most pastors can count on one hand the men that have influenced them for the cause of Christ, one such man for myself has been Dr. Ron Lynch. Simply said, I am a better pastor, preacher, and person through his investment in my life. His exposition of the Scriptures and his ability to articulate the Christ life will be a blessing to you and your congregation. May God bless Life out of Death ministries.

Dr. Tim Sims Bethel Baptist Church, Shelby NC
To the Glory of God, Dr. Ron Lynch is one of the finest expositional evangelist afforded to the Church today. His passionate preaching on the message of the "Christ Life" is transformative. In power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit, Dr. Lynch will bring a clear, compelling and comprehensive word to those privileged to hear him.

Justin Hall - Pastor Cedar Bluff Baptist Church, Atkins, Virginia
How's this?
Dr. Ron Lynch is a true Bible believer who preaches the inerrant Word of God without compromise. Ron's in-depth expository preaching calls people to genuine repentance, which is what the world and the Church need today.

Pastor Vann Dempsey - Calvary Baptist Church, Jesup, Georgia
Bro. Ron is a passionate preacher of the Word. His passion is to reveal God's truth to His people through exposition of the Scriptures. He burns with a passion to see the lost come to faith in Christ. I commend him to you as an expositor of biblical truth.

Dr. Johnny Hunt - Senior Pastor First Baptist Church Woodstock Woodstock, Georgia
"What a joy to our people at First Baptist Woodstock and to my own heart to host Dr. Ron Lynch. He has endeared himself to our people with his clear biblical exposition which causes great anticipation for his return."

Jim Law - Executive Pastor First Baptist Church Woodstock Woodstock, Georgia
"With great pleasure, I commend to you the God-blessed ministry of Dr. Ron Lynch. God has used him mightily every time he has preached at FBC Woodstock. He is one of our favorites"

knowledge of the countless hours that Dr. Ron Lynch pours into hearing from God in His Word before he ever stands before God's people to preach the Word. Sunday nights at FBCIT have truly been an anointed time as the Holy Spirit has empowered Ron to communicate truth to our hearts. What a blessing to hear from preachers all across America tell of how the Lord used him to send revival to their churches. It is not surprising to us."

Jerry Vines
"Dr. Ron Lynch not only teaches expository preaching. He models it when he preaches. The church that uses him for a meeting will be blessed by his faithful preaching of the Word. These alliterated outlines will help you get directly into what the text says. They will be a blessing to you."

Dr. Stephen Rummage, Senior Pastor, Bell Shoals Baptist Church, Brandon, FL; President, Florida Baptist Convention
"The victorious life available to believers through God’s indwelling Holy Spirit is a teaching that has been ignored or forgotten by many preachers. Not so with Dr. Ron Lynch! Ron presents biblical, applicable expository messages that call believers to live the exchanged life — Christ living through us. Dr. Lynch will bless your church just as he has blessed Bell Shoals and me personally."

Dr. Mack Tester - Senior Pastor of Pope Drive Baptist Church
Dr. Ron Lynch is one of the best expositors in the country today. I have had him for multiple revival meetings and each time the Lord has used him greatly. His sermon outlines and presentation of the sufficiency of Christ is much needed today and it is my great privilege to know and recommend this man of God.

Evangelist Tim Lee
What a joy to visit your web site! You have a wealth of material here that will help me and many others. Thank you for your burden for the lost and revival. I am praying we can see such a revival in our generation. Thank you for your inspiration!

Lebron Crisp - Senior Pastor Living Water Baptist Church
I have been privileged to hear some of the greatest expositors of our day, but none greater than my friend Dr.Ron Lynch. I highly recommend his preaching and publication ministries.

Jim Perdue - Senior Pastor Second Baptist Warner Robbins, Georgia
It is with great enthusiasm that I recommend to you the ministry of Dr. Ron Lynch. Over many years of ministry, Ron has proven himself to be a faithful expositor of the Word. His care for the inerrant text is apparent as he faithfully and powerfully delivers the message. His desires is to communicate scripture in such a way that brings about transformation through the power of the Holy Spirit. Not only is Dr. Lynch a careful expositor, but he is also a faithful encourager. I am grateful for his desire to encourage younger pastors, myself included. His willingness to take valuable time to encourage others is a testament to the genuine nature of his ministry and his proven character. Pastors, as God leads you, use this faithful servant in your church. I truly believe you will not be disappointed.

Tim Anderson - Senior Pastor Clements Baptist Church Athens, Alabama
“Dr. Ron Lynch is a personal friend and has been a tremendous help to me and to many other preachers that I know in the preparation and delivery of our gospel message. He is a gift to the body of Christ. I encourage you to gather his material and learn from his excellent work.”

Mike Stone - Pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church, Blackshear, GA
"The ministry of Dr. Ron Lynch will be a tremendous blessing to your church.  A gifted communicator and Bible expositor, Brother Ron has quickly become one of our congregation’s favorite guests.  If your church is looking to have a one-day meeting, a full revival, or a spiritual life conference I would strongly urge you to call Dr. Ron Lynch.  You will be glad and your people will be blessed!"

Brad Lowery - Pastor of New Prospect Baptist Church
"The Lord has used Dr. Ron Lynch and Life Out of Death Ministries in remarkable ways at New Prospect Baptist Church. The Lord has worked mightily through the biblical exposition of Dr. Lynch as he has proclaimed the “Christ Life” over the years. Life out of Death Ministries has a much-needed message that must be heard by all. The 'Christ Life' is the only life that should be represented in the modern church. In a day where the words 'surrender' has been replaced with commitment and 'investing' is replaced with involved, the message of the cross life and Christ's life is a must. I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Ron Lynch and Life Out of Death Ministries to every pastor and church. From personal experience, he will truly be used of God to be a blessing to you personally as well as your congregation."

Hampton Drum - Pastor of Langston Baptist Church, Conway, SC
"Dr. Ron Lynch is one of the most gifted preachers of our day. When you hear him preach you will leave inspired. His knowledge and exposition of the scripture brings a refreshing understanding of God's timeless truth. I submit his name with eager recommendation and thank God in advance for the blessing he will be to you and your people."

Kenny Davis Jr - Pastor Bethel Baptist Church, Berea Kentucky
"I had Ron come for a time of meeting and he Blessed my folks in a wonderful way.
Ron has the unique ability to communicate deep theological truths in a manner that is easy to both understand and apply for believers at all levels of maturity in their walk with Christ.​"

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